There is a growing population of feral animals in Carteret County. Cats and dogs are being turned loose by people who no longer want their pets or the litters they are producing. To help tackle this problem, Animal Control has a “Spay/Neuter” program for low income families. Hopefully through this program, the numbers of stray, lost and abandoned animals can be reduced.
People should educate themselves regarding the natural instincts of the breed of pet they are considering adopting or purchasing. Puppies should be acclimated to be around people, and should have obedience and socialization classes. “Pet Parents” should also consider having a “micro-chip” placed on their pet in case of loss, they can be identified. This can be done simply at any vet’s office for a price of about $10 to $75.
Animal Control is greatly understaffed, and they are getting about 15, 800 calls per year. With only 3 staff, they are having a hard time getting to all the calls that need attention. The shelter is always full of adoptable animals, such as they get about 125 to 200 cats per month. Some of the dogs that are transported to the shelter are lucky enough to be transported to Wilmington for training to become helpers for the disabled.