Monday, October 30, 2017

All Hands on Deck for the Hootenanny

We need everyone! This is our big day!

Newport Rotarians report 2pm.

Volunteers Report 5pm.

Hootenanny 6-9pm

Cleanup usually over by 10pm.

Pam, Bevin & Anita Jo... Hootenanny Coordinators

New Club Photo Posted on the Member Page

Newport Rotary Supports Solar Light Project in Puerto Rico

Newport Rotary Club members, Thank you for your kind contribution to the Light Up the Night campaign. It will be of great help to those in need of electricity in Puerto Rico. Most recent news about restoring power are not good and they may mean further delays and more challenges for the population. We are in touch with Rotarians in Puerto Rico who have been working tirelessly distributing food, water and other supplies to families in rural areas. They are excited about the solar lights we will bring as they have seen the need everywhere they have gone.
Thank you again for your generosity!

Magda G. Baggett, Past District Governor, Chair, Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief, Rotary District 7730, Southeastern North Carolina

Thursday, October 19, 2017

We Are Busy... Upcoming Newport Rotary Events

There are a lot of important dates coming up in your Rotary life - but we'll try to make them as fun and easy as we can. I know the holiday season brings many obligations and opportunities - so I wanted to give this information to put on your calendar as early as possible. The success of our Service Projects depends on you.
  • First and foremost - OCTOBER 31...the HOOTENANNY - we need everyone to give as much as they are able in time and energy.
  • November 4 - the Rotary Foundation Banquet in Wallace - a chance to mix and mingle with fellow Rotarians from Eastern North Carolina
  • November 6 - Rotary meeting - we're bringing Josie Mullin into the fold
  • November 7 - Dictionary Presentation at Gramercy School - 2:15 to 2:45 - this is a fun thing to do.
  • November 13 - Dictionary Presentation at Newport Elementary School - 10-11:30 AM - - it's a fun thing to do.
  • Nov 28 - 2 PM - Croatan Ridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - Christmas tree trimming, cookies with the residents - caroling and gift giving. The folks there look forward to our visit - and we look forward to being with them. On a side note -several years ago Newport Rotary built, installed and then planted outside gardens raised gardens for the residents to use and enjoy. They are still being used - and in fact, they have been the source of fresh vegetables and flowers for Croatan Ridge. It's good to know that we can give gifts to the community that keep on giving.
  • Dec 4 - Regular meeting - Our speaker will be Dora Jones from Coastal Community Action
Note: because we have the service projects listed above, we will not have a meeting on November your help with the service projects will count as a meeting - and Thanksgiving week is all yours. So mark your calendars - try to carve out a bit of time - it only takes a little of that to leave a lasting impression. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

District Rotary Foundation Banquet is Approaching

Past RI President Ron Burton will speak! 
Several Newport Rotarians will be attending the Foundation Banquet on November 4th in Wallace and have offered to arrange a carpool if anyone is interested in going. It's a "dress up" event  and would make an enjoyable evening out. Call Bevin Wall for carpool information. Former Rotary International President, Ron Burton will be the speaker. You can register for the event on the District 7730 website at www.rotary7730.orgSee the sidebar for November 4th. 

Info: District 7730 Foundation Banquet, River Landing Clubhouse, Wallace, NC, Registration: 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm, Cash Bar: 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm, Introductions: 6:00 pm, Buffet Service: 6:16 pm, Program: 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm. The cost is $40 per person.  

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Hootenanny Prep Schedule

Newport Rotarians, here is the work schedule for the Hootenanny. All meetings will be at the Newport Rotary Building unless otherwise specified. Names listed of those who volunteered at the 10/16 meeting.

  • Thurs, Oct. 19 2pm-5pm (at Bevin & Pam's house): Anita M, Rick M. 
  • Mon, Oct. 23 2pm-5pm:  Matt, Anita Jo, Maher 
  • Sun, Oct. 29 2pm-5pm: Anita Jo, [Need Volunteers]  
  • Mon, Oct. 30 2pm-5pm: Anita M, Rick M., Maher     
  • Tues, Oct. 31 2pm-5pm: Anita M, Rick M., Maher. All Club Members must be on site by 4pm.  
Call Pam if you have any questions. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 16 2017 Meeting: Hootenanny Approaches

The October 16, 2017 Newport Rotary meeting will be a work session regarding our upcoming event, the Newport Halloween Hootenanny. All members need to attend. This is our big event for the year!