Saturday, August 27, 2016

Newport Rotary Recognized as 100% Sustaining Club

Newport Rotary was recognized as a 2015-16 100% Sustaining Member Club by The Rotary Foundation at the District Rotary Foundation Luncheon in Wilmington, NC on August 27, 2016. To achieve this recognition, all active Rotarians in the club must personally contribute a minimum of $100 each to The Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation during the Rotary year. Only 1,428 clubs in Rotary of 35,000 clubs worldwide, or 4% of clubs attain this status. The Annual Fund supports scholarships, grants, and humanitarian projects around the world. 

Congratulations Newport Rotary and Thank You Newport Rotarians for your commitment to make the world a better place.  

Grant Received for Food Pantry Range, Hood & Celebration

Newport Rotary received funding for its 2016-17 District Grant from The Rotary Foundation. A $1,000 check was presented to Club Rotary Foundation Chair Pam Wall at the District Rotary Foundation Luncheon in Wilmington, NC on August 27, 2016. The Grant will provide funds to purchase a Cooking Range, install a Hood Top at the Matthew 25 Fund Food Pantry in the St. James Thrift Shop Building in Newport. The total $2,000 project will also fund a celebration dinner for identified needy families identified by the Food Pantry during the Thanksgiving season.

Newport Rotary's Pam Wall, (4th from right), holds up the Grant check
for a project to aid local food challenged families in Newport.
(Click photo to enlarge)

Pruning For Pupils

Featured photos from Newport Rotary's project at Newport Elementary School on August 26, 2016. Good job Rotarians!

Rotarians Pam Wall, Pres. Maher Saikali, Larry Howard, Joe Garner,
& Winston Reese. Photo credit: Bevin Wall. 

Shrub & Rose Bush Pruning awaits students for first day. 

The front entrance of the school is ready for teachers & students. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

"First Day of School" Service Project Set

Newport Rotary will do their annual service project benefiting Newport Elementary School on Friday, August 26, 2016 at 5:30pm. (Rain date Sunday 5:30). The goal of the project is to make the school look neat and tidy for the opening day the school the following week. Efforts this year will concentrate on trimming, flower planting and/or placement of baskets, and mowing, as needed. All hands are needed. The duration of the project is 2 hours. Needed are manual and electric trimmers, extension cords, wheel barrows & rakes for limb removal. The Wall's will bring their lawn mower. The school system mulched this summer, so no mulching! Newport Rotary will not meet Monday, August 22, 2016 as the service project Friday is a substituted meeting.  

Monday, August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016 Program: District Governor John Scibal

Is it DG John or Steve Jobs? You decide!
Newport Rotary is please to have as our guest speaker for our August 8, 2016 program, District Governor John Scibal of the Morehead City- Noon Rotary Club. DG John is a familiar face in our club and will bring Rotary International President John Germ's annual message to the club, as well as news of other district happenings. Bring a guest!    

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

Thanks You's from Josh the Otter Project

In May 2016, Newport Rotary participated in the Josh the Otter program as part of an area-wide Rotary Foundation sponsored youth and water-safety in the local schools. See related article. Here are some "thank-you's"!

Photos: Newport Rotarians Attend Governor Installation

Outgoing Governor Dave Baggett from Fayetteville
cajoles with incoming Governor John Scibal of Morehead City
on June 16, 2016 at the Train Depot in Morehead.  

Newport Past District Governor Derryl Garner and Jane enjoy
the festivities. 

Newport Rotarians Pam Wall and PDG Bevin Wall
are in attendance, supporting new Governor John.