Newport Rotary President Cliff Schweitzer challenged the club's members to take up RI President D.K. Lee's 2008-09 emphasis, and to take action to reduce child mortality during this Rotary year. The challenge was made during the July 21, 2008 business meeting of the club.
President Cliff placed the three newest club members, Ruthann Sluss, Marilyn Everett, and Steve Blizzard on the Child Mortality Project Committee, and charged them to investigate and report back to the club an effective way that these concerns can be confronted in our own community or abroad.

RI President D.K. Lee has challenged all Rotarians to "Make Dreams Real" for the world's children this year by having a specific event aimed toward reducing the incidence of child mortality. 30,000 children each day die in this world due to preventable illness, such as preventable disease, improper sanitation & unclean water.
President Cliff also challenged the club to consider the "starting budget" he presented, and to think about what commitments should be renewed or discussed. He implemented a 100% Paul Harris Sustaining Member Program, in which all members are enrolled unless specifically opting out with the Secretary. He also advocated a more aggresive rental program for the Rotary Building.
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