Kay Provetero, a Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist from Cape Carteret, was the speaker at Newport Rotary on Monday night, July 28, 2008. Dick Newton, the Program Chair, introduced the speaker and identified her as someone who has personally helped him when recovering from a knee injury.
Provetero, a graduate of Atlantic Christian College (now Barton), taught elementary school in Wake County before moving to Cape Carteret and and 1987 began practicing massage therapy. She has several national certifications, and completes over 200 hours of continuing education annually.
A practitioner of Myofascial Release and Craniosacral therapies, she described both techniques, the history of massage, and also the benefits of massage, including improved circul
atory, lymphatic and muscular function, relaxation and the release of pain-killing endorphins. Massage also emphasizes mind-body connections and the unblocking and balancing of life energies.
Proverto's husband, John, accompanied her to the meeting as a guest of the club. There were no other guests.
A tremendous meal was prepared by Susan Newton of steak, baked potato, salad and rolls. Also, it was very hot, as the A/C faltered yet again. Absent from the meeting were Rotarians Steve Baker, Steve Blizzard, Bob Chambers, Manley Smith & Pam Wall. We appreciate everyone making up their missed meetings.
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