Past Assistant Governor Brian Garrett of the South Brunswick Islands Rotary Club in Shallotte, North Carolina was the featured program at the Newport Rotary Club on July 7, 2008 updating the club on two Rotary-supported initiatives, the Boys & Girls Home at Lake Waccamaw and the Coins for Alzheimers Research Trust. Rotarian Garrett is the Chair of the District Committees supporting both efforts, and is on the Board of both organizations. Newport Rotarian Winston Reese arranged for the program.
The Boys & Girls Home of North Carolina is a residential and foster care/adoption program for neglected, abused, and hurting children that emphasizes academic and Christian education in a homelike, Christian setting. Newport Rotary supports B&GHNC through its support of the Rotary Cottage, which is one of several civic organizations funding residential cottages for children on the campus. There are 11 students resident in the Rotary Cottage.

The Rotary Cottage was fully renovated in 2005-06 through the efforts of Rotarians led by Governor Phil Crawford, and this led to the other civic organizations also doing needed repairs. Rotary also established a Legacy Fund for future needs, which is endowed at over $110,000 and has allowed for the recent purchase of a van for the cottage. A replacement of the campus pecan trees, used for fundraising in sales at the Country Store, was recently begun using a Rotary Foundation Grant. Newport Rotarian Amos Parker led a club drive several years ago supporting B&GHNC's "Harvest Train" fundraiser supporting the Country Store.
Coins for Alzheimer's Research Trust (CART) has raised over $2.6 Million for direct Alzheimer's Research since its inception in 1995 by South Carolina Rotary clubs. Currently involving Rotary Clubs & Districts in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, this year the fund awarded $250,000 to the Cleveland Clinic / Case Western University and $250,000 to the Univeristy of Alabama- Birmingham for "cutting edge" Alzheimer's Research. Newport Rotary has supported CART by passing the "blue bucket" in its weekly meetings since 1998, this marking the 10th year of support.
The club was thanked for its past & ongoing support of both projects.
Visitors included Steve Blizzard, guest of Rotarian Joe Garner, and Kyle Garner, guest of PDG Derryl Garner. A delicious meal was prepared by Rotarian Maher Saikali and Rotary Partner Mary Saikali.
1 comment:
BIOTRIAL is recruiting for a study and you can help!
Seeking participants interested in a clinical research study with an investigational medication for Alzheimer's disease.
You must be:
40-85 years of age.
Non-smoker or ex-smoker.
Refer a friend or family member who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's or amnestic mild cognitive impairment and you can earn a referral bonus of $200.
For more details please visit: Study Scavenger Alzheimer's Research
#alzheimersdisease #dementia #newark #nj
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