In light of the Rotary President's emphasis to address child mortality issues in our local and world community, what ideas do you have about a specific need or project?
Please Blog your response below to give our committee of RuthAnn, Marilyn & Steve some ideas.
Hello, Marilyn Here!
We have not gotten any great ideas yet. Please help us "Newbees" wiith some of your fantastic thoughts.
My email is meverett2@ec.rr.com
When looking at "local" child mortality issues, you need to consult with local professionals on this issue. There are three main sources of information and expertise: (1) the Health Dept., (2) the Hospital, and (3) Social Services. I would suggest that the committee touch base with one or more of the these.
Another place- possible the school system, depending on the type of project. We do the Dictionary Project annually with them already.
Please note that we did a successful project with the Health Dept in 2002-03 with the Hispanic Immunization Book project, "The Germ Patrol" with Dr. Garrett, the Chair of the Carteret Co. Health Department.
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