Friday, August 15, 2008

New School Principal Seeks to Make Positive Changes

Beth Lanning, the new Principal of Newport Elementary School, was the guest speaker at the Newport Rotary Club Meeting of Monday, August 11, 2008. She was accompanied by her husband Bud Lanning (both pictured).

Beth was a student at Newport Elem. starting at grade one. She has come full circle and is now the Principal of the same school at which she started her educational career. She was raised in Newport and after getting her teaching degree, she taught algebra at West Carteret. One of her students in that algebra class was our very own new member, Steve Blizzard. She met her husband, Bud Lanning, Principal of Newport Middle School and together they moved to Wisconsin, where she was the Principal of a local High School. They returned “Home” and she went to work at Croatan High School.

Beth’s goal is to make Newport Elem. the best in the county. She wants to engage the entire community to participate at the school and at the programs she is planning, such as Adopt a Grandparent Day, where seniors will mentor the young students, or planting trees with the students.

Another goal is to bring the primary school back to its former glory, where youth will have the opportunity to form fond memories of walking the halls, as she has.

Beth addressed the recent new articles regarding the grade in the students’ growth in basic skills such as math and reading. The article mentioned a meeting at West Carteret High School, encouraging parents to remove children from Newport Elem. and send them to other schools in the District. Federal funds help children from disadvantaged families (those who receive free or reduced lunches) by enabling the school to fund teachers that will help all the children who are not achieving in their classes. If a certain number of students do not make the grade, then the school fails to make the growth. Newport Elem. figures reported that one child over the growth level did not make it, therefore the school failed, which is not true. The school is holding workshops and using new software to analyze data, so the school may make plans to make sure the children “make it”. (for further info on this confusing subject give her a call).

Her plans include some of the following:

PLAN - The assistant Principal and the Principal will be holding weekly meeting with their teachers on a weekly basis.

LAB - for a new reading program called “Read 180” for teachers to set up individual plans for children in reading. Teachers will be able to use new computer programs that will enable them to analyze kids in real time, instead of after the fact when it is too late to help them.

Teachers need help in their classrooms with discipline. It needs to be consistent, and Beth is going back to an “In-school-suspension” program. Students will go to the “Hot Help Room” for some time and then be sent to “Read 180” for remediation.

Beth is looking to set up a site based management team that utilizes the commitment of the people in the community. There will be collaborations, such as students from the Middle School mentoring the younger students in the Elem. school.

A very good dinner of Spaghetti, tossed salad, garlic bread and desert was prepared and served by by Cliff and Inez Schweitzer.

Thanks to Marilyn Everett for this report!

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