Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Newport Rotary 2023-24 Officers Installed

Newport Rotary's President 
 Rachel Bell (l) installed by 
District Governor Quigley 
Newport Rotary's Leaders for the ensuing Rotary year, including President Rachel Bell, were sworn in by 2023-24 District Governor Allen Quigley during the club's June 19, 2023 meeting. During his comments he recognized Newport Rotary as "one of those small, unique clubs, that gets things done". It was a special occasion to have our club president installed by their own District Governor.

Quigley encouraged Rotarians and guests in attendance to use their Rotary involvement to "Create Hope in the World", echoing RI President Ian McInally's theme. Pres. McInally calls for Rotary to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental wellbeing. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that’s necessary to realize these values. Newport Rotary is engaging in that process to determine their next major grant supported project. 

Installed along with President Rachel were Anita Moreau, Vice-President; PDG Bevin Wall, Secretary; Maher Saikali, Treasurer; Matt Shortway, Sergeant-at-Arms and Dennis Barber as President-Elect. President Rachel's guests Matthew and Lucas were also in attendance.  

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