Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Newport Rotarians Conduct School Clean-up

Newport Rotarians organized and conducted their annual "School Cleanup" at Newport Elementary School on Monday, August 16, 2021. Over 80% of the club membership showed up in the heat of an August afternoon to spruce up the front of the school's landscaping and adding a splash of color with some new flower pots, just before the school's pre-school year open house on Wednesday, June 18, 2021. The effort follows a recent school cleanup event over the prior weekend and other efforts by parents, PTA members at the school and the school maintenance staff. Rotarians showed up in their "work gear" carrying rakes, shovels, brooms and toting various carts and baskets. Club President Julia Saikali organized the event. After the service project concluded, the club members adjourned to Shortway Brewery for refreshments and fellowship!  

1 comment:

cindysis said...

Look at all of you...so proud of our hard Rotary workers