The first "Rotary Meeting" or a "Fractured Fairy Tale"-
you be the judge... |
Rotarian John Scibal, from the Morehead City Noon Rotary Club, was the guest presenter at Newport Rotary on Monday afternoon. He staged an audience participation reading that illustrated how the first Rotary Meeting occurred (with a few liberties and anaychronisms spread about). Rtn. Tammy Cooper assisted the "Director". Our Area's Assistant Governor for the 2014 Rotary year, Bob Melone, also a reknown thespian, was also in attendance and helped with the program. A good time was had by all, and fortunately, the reviewers for the Tony Awards were not present. The august cast included Steve Blizzard, Joe Garner, George Bergamini, Maher Saikali, and Bevin Wall.

Amid the broadwayesque mayhem, our Fire Chief George Bergamini was inducted as a member of the club, with his wife in attendance. Welcome George!

John Scibal, in addition to being a directorial genius, is a Past Assistant Governor and is our District Governor Nominee Designate for 2016-17.
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