Monday, January 6, 2014

Fischler & Smith Apply Rotary's Ethical Standard

Jody Smith, NRC President Pam Wall and Daniel Fischler 
The guest speakers at Newport Rotary on January 6, 2014 were Past President Daniel Fischler of the Morehead City - Lookout Rotary and Past President Jody Smith of the Beaufort - Old Town Rotary. Each were asked to give insights into the application of Rotary's Four Way Test in their vocation. A brief introduction and history of The Four Way Test was delivered by Program Chair Bevin Wall.

Smith, the Branch Manager at Sound Bank's Beaufort Office, gave a very insightful view of the test. She indicated that people that subscribed to the converse of the test in any of the four areas would not be people who other Rotarians would want to surround themselves. She spoke very eloquently, recalling a recent sermon message, about the community of Rotarians, and how Rotarians united in service gain strength from (1) "doing good" in and of itself, (2) from the benefit "doing good" has on each other, and (3) on the benefit that "doing good" has on each other in a group of people engaged in that activity.

Fischler, a Financial Advisor with Wells Fargo Advisors, applied a practical view of the test. He approached it numerically, opining that the first two tenets of the test, supported the "building of good will and better friendships". He stated that his profession has struggled with the "beneficial to all concerned" aspect of the test based on its prevalent commission billing, which sometimes seemed to place advisor in opposition to the client, however, newer non-commission (fee based advising) had remedied some of that problem. Both presenters took numerous questions from the club members. The club welcomed Fire Chief George Bergamini as a guest. Pam Wall prepared soup as a snack.    

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