Newport Rotarian, Past District Governor Bevin Wall was a recent Presenter at the Rotary Presidential Membership Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
The Presidential Conference, Called by RI President D.K. Lee of Korea, is one of two in the United States and one of twelve worldwide during 2008-09. President Lee address the group at the beginning of the Conference.
The Conference, which included primarily Rotarians from the Western and Midwestern North America, boasted a registration of almost 500 Rotarians. The focus of the conference was on Club-level Rotarians developing action steps to implement in their own Rotary clubs.
PDG Wall, as Regional RI Membership Coordinator, facilitated several sessions, including sessions on New Generations Clubs, Membership Best Practices, Club Strategic Planning, and Why is Retention so Difficult. Newport Rotarian Pam Wall also attended the Conference.
For more information, including the keynote presentation slides, visit The Phoenix PMC website.
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