Leisa Smith, Rotarian and Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Coastal Carolina was the featured speaker at the August 25, 2008 Newport Rotary Club meeting. She is Director of centers in Morehead City, Beaufort & Havelock that served approximately 650 students this summer.
A Past Club President in the Morehead City Noon Rotary Club, Ms. Smith revealed some startling statistics to the club. Nationally, 30% of high school students drop out before graduating. While Carteret County's statistics may be slightly better, a whopping 90% of children attending Boys & Girls Clubs graduate. She described the program of health &
life skills, academic support, and mentoring that improve on the chances for students in grades 1-12 to be successful in life.
Ms. Smith announced the funding of a one year state grant that will provide B&GC services to 35 Newport community at-risk students during this school year. The $43,000 grant will fund 15 students at Newport Middle School and 20 students at Newport Elementary School who will participate in B&GC at the Morehead Center. The students assisted by the grant are "at-risk" as identified by their school Principal and other economic criteria, although regular attendance at B&GC is open to all students.
It will be up to the Newport community to determine whether to provide a home and funding for B&GC services in Newport in future years. She indicated that the Morehead City - Noon, Morehead City - Soundview and Beaufort Old Towne Rotary Clubs p
rovide about $6,500 annually in support for the existing centers. She challenged the Newport Rotary Club to provide leadership in the process that is beginning in Newport. She invited Rotarians to visit the Morehead Center to tutor.
In other club business, the club heard a report on Rotarian Harold Chartley's health and agreed to help provide transportation for him to meetings from Britthaven. Larry Howard filled the club in on some recent travels including a trip to Saltville VA. Bevin Wall told of his road trip to take his children to PA and various locations.