Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Newsletter Details Projects

The August 15, 2012 issue of Courtesy News details several upcoming Newport area nonprofit events and fundraisers. Included are: Heritage Days (Sept. 14, 15), Pickin' n' Grinnin' (each Fri 6:30pm), the Newport Christmas Parade, Newport Pig Cookin' (Mar 30-31, 2013), and the Halloween Hootenanny (Oct. 31, 2012) sponsored by Newport Rotary. Click here for the Newsletter.      

Newport Citizen Survey Posted

The Town of Newport has distributed their Newport Citizen Survey 2012 for residents to complete to help them with the Town's Strategic Planning Process. They want to know what town residents think about the community and municipal government. See article regarding Commissioner David Heath's Strategic Planning program at Newport Rotary. Click here for the Survey, which can be downloaded and delivered or mailed to the Town of Newport, P O Box 1869, 200 Howard Blvd., Newport, NC 28570.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Home-Made Ice Cream Fundraiser Friday

Let's catch those holiday bound tourists streaming into the Crystal Coast with our Home-made Ice Cream Fundraiser on Friday from 3:00-6:00 in the Ocean Way Plaza Parking Lot. We need 3 Ice Cream Freezers and as many of you as want to hang out eating Ice Cream and sipping beverages under the big White Tent. Email Bevin Wall at if you have a freezer, or can attend. Bring kids or significant others! Have fun while raising a little money!

Member Message: Win One, Keep One

Future Rotarian Ian say "Join the Fun"
Pres. Steve Blizzard thanks the Membership Team
of PDG John Capps, Ian & Gene McClendon  
District Membership Chair John T. Capps, III, Membership Committee Member Gene McClendon and their helper and Gene's grandson, 7 year old Ian Calmes, shared their "Win One, Keep One" membership message with the club during the August 27 Rotary program at the Newport Rotary Club. Simply put:
  1. We all have a "Web of Influence", friends, relatives, associates and neighbors who would make good Rotarians and who would fit our Rotary club! 
  2. We know why we are in Rotary- now we need to communicate that to others! 
  3. We have a great tradition, great people, and an active service program in the Newport community- we have a great opportunity to share what we think is a great thing! 
  4. We only have to get one member each to join to significantly increase our ability to serve the community- it's "do-able" for each of us.
  5. It's time to reach those future Rotarians, and give them some of the advantages of service and fun that we have enjoyed during our Rotary experience.   
Thanks to John T., Gene, and Ian for their inspirational program! 

Newport Rotary Project Featured on District Website

The news about Newport Rotary is getting around. See the District article about the Newport School- First Day of School Cleanup. See the Newport Rotary website article here. The article was submitted by Assistant Governor Bill Kaeser. Thanks, Bill!

Newport Rotarian speaks on Caribbean Projects

Past President Pam Wall of Newport Rotary was a panelist Saturday on the Projects Panel at the District 7730 Rotary Foundation Seminar. She addressed the group on opportunities to partner on grants and "twin" with specific Caribbean area Rotary clubs to advance projects and fellowship opportunities. Other panelist addressed grants in India, El Salvador, Mexico, and grant topics such as Water & Sanitation and Literacy.

Pam is the District 7730 "Caribbean Partnership" Chair, has worked cooperatively with numerous Caribbean clubs on grants and training, and attended last year's Caribbean partnership Celebration in the Washington DC area. See the Caribbean Partnership website for more information at:  

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Town Engages in Strategic Planning

David Heath
Town Councilman David Heath was the featured speaker at the Newport Rotary Club Community Program on August 20, 2012 at the Newport Rotary Building.

Councilman Heath spoke about Newport's efforts at strategic planning and the status of several town iniatives. The strategic planning process is being guided with assistance from the Carteret County Economic Development Council and is being led by Councilman Heath and Councilman (and Rotary President) Steve Blizzard. Some of the very important issues being addressed include water and sewer needs, management of growth, zoning, and promotion of business and job opportunities.

Newport Rotary has a dedicated community program scheduled monthly throughout this Rotary year.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Service Project: First Day of School Cleanup

Newport Rotarians organized and invited its members and friends to join new Newport Elementary School Principal Richard Paylor in "sprucing up" the garden beds in the front of the school just in time for the arrival of staff and students in the coming weeks. It was a great way to introduce Newport Rotary to their new elementary school principal after years of conducting projects at the school. Newport Rotary conducts the Dictionary Project giveaway of free dictionaries to all school third graders annually, organizes the Halloween Hootenanny in which the students participate, and have conducted numerous hands-on, joint service projects with individual classes over the years. Participating were Town Mayor Derryl Garner, Grocer Joe Garner, Attorney Bevin Wall, Spa Owner Pam Wall, Law Enforcement Officer Jack Askew, Realtor RuthAnn Sluss, Retired Col. Hal Clark, and guest McKenzie Wall. Thanks to the Town of Newport for donating the mulch!

Adkins Encourages Peace Through Service

Pres. Steve and Gov. Don discuss an active Rotary
program with the Board
District Governor Don Adkins made his official visit to Newport Rotary for the year on July 30, 2012, and encouraged the club to embody this years's Rotary theme "Peace through Service". He recognized the club for its tangible service in the Newport community, including recent projects in downtown Newport and planned projects such as the community Halloween Hootenanny. Governor Don thanked the club for its support of worldwide Polio eradication efforts and for support of the humanitarian and educational programs of our Rotary Foundation. He encouraged Newport Rotarians to "keep doing what you are doing", encourage membership growth, and participate in upcoming district events like the Foundation Seminar, Foundation Banquet, and District Conference.