President Amos Parker wanted to have a Family Night that brought all our club members and their families together. He wanted to honor some important guests, the wives of some of our deceased members, and all the Past District Governors from Carteret County. He wanted a great dinner, prepared with quality, and care, and he wanted to have a great speaker. Well, Amos did it! He enlisted Larry and Sharon Howard, who in turn enlisted their family and friends to pitch in, and they prepared and served a delicious meal of Roast Pork Tenderloin, with all the fixens'. Amos couldn't have found a better team for the meal!
He honored three of our five Past District Governors, Dr. Bill Walker, who attended with his wife Jolene, Beven Wall, attending with wife Pam, and Daughter, and Derryl Garner along with his wife, Jane. Among our honored wives of past Rotarians, we welcomed our present Assistant Governor, John Scibal and his wife, Rhonda.
To motivate us, he brought in another winner, Rocky Jacobs who attended with his wife, and gave us motivation to be Rotarians and not Rhinos and to remember that the "Future of Rotary is in Our Hands".
Way to go, Amos. You scored BIG !
Thanks to Joe Garner for taking the photos!