The first is the total eradication of Polio, with all district 7730 clubs aiding International Rotary match a 255 million donation by Bill Gates. Each club needs to match with a $2,000.00 donation the RI Polio fund. To further highlight this endeavor, our Rotary District is holding "Hands On for Polio Awareness" week, Feb 21 to 28, 2010.
Monday, August 31, 2009
August 24, 2009
The first is the total eradication of Polio, with all district 7730 clubs aiding International Rotary match a 255 million donation by Bill Gates. Each club needs to match with a $2,000.00 donation the RI Polio fund. To further highlight this endeavor, our Rotary District is holding "Hands On for Polio Awareness" week, Feb 21 to 28, 2010.
August 17, 2009

Our program, brought to us by Maher, taught us a "Bunch" about wine, the type of grapes, and special blending that creates the tastiest wines. Mitchell Smith, brother of our own Manly Smith, shared information about his new winery called Lake Road Winery. After some history on wine, he noted that the first winery in North Carolina was opened by Paul Garrett in 1850. Mitch and his wife Suzy opend Lake Road in March, 2009. They use only fruits grown in North Carolina combining them to make unique blends. They name their wine based on the town of Newport, it's people, heritage, and spots of interest.
August 17, 2009

The Newport Club is sponsoring Lena Mueller from Hamburg, Germany. Lena is staying with PDG Bevin Wall and his family. Earlier in the summer, Bevin and Pam’s daughter, Madison, traveled to Hamburg to stay with the Muellers. Madison confessed she did not know a word of German before departing the U.S., but with her resourcefulness and outgoing personality, she and her host family had a wonderful visit and she had the opportunity to see some amazing sights. In turn, the Wall’s have traveled up and down the east coast, showing Lena some of our beautiful land. If you ask Lena what her favorite part of her visit is, she’ll tell you she loves going to the beach.
Vanessa Ervin, Youth Exchange District Chair (See complete article in the August Newsletter)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Family Night October 26, 2009

August 10, 2009

Manly Smith brought us a young man who is of the same caliber as McKenzie Wall.
Matthew Haggard, Manly's Grandson, graduated from NC State in 2007 with a degree in marketing. Before graduation, Matthew, who worked all through college, spent time in 2004, working in the campaign headquarters of George W. Bush in Raleigh. This led Matthew on his journey to the White House, working throughout the Bush administration. His first position was as a Presidential Correspondent, followed by time as a Presidential Messager to the People. Later switching into Public Relations, he remained with President Bush until the end of his term.
Matthew gave us a personal glimpse into the daily life of the President, relating humorous stories that showed us just how human a President can be.
Matthew shared mementos from his work at the White House, such photos, letters, and a very special menu.
We wish Matthew all the best in his future. He is a very special young man.
August 3, 2009

July 27, 2009

McKenzie related some of her experiences of her last year of high school, and showed the members of the Newport Club what loving parents dedicated to their children can achieve.
McKenzie is readying herself for Ithaca College, where she will continue her studies in her chosen field.
New President has Some Questions