Newport NC USA Business and Community Leaders "doing good" in our community and beyond. Rotary is the world's oldest and most prestigious service organization with over 1.2 Million Rotarians worldwide.
Tonight we paid tribute to our own Harold Chartley who passed away last fall. Harold was a member of the Newport Rotary for 50 years, and was also a honorary member of the Morehead City Noon Club. We placed a granite marker at the foot of a cherry tree, planted in Harold's honor in the Newport Park. Following a dedication prayer given by Newport Mayor and Past District Governor, Derryl Garner, club members had a great grilled hot dog, salad and ice cream supper, compliments of President Cliff.
KEYS TO THE FUTURE This week's program was brought to us by Winston Reese, who introduced two ladies from the Carteret Community College Basic Skills Department; Corporate and Community Education. Diane Matlock, the Basic Skills Coordinator, informed our club about the special pprograms they offer to help people achieve their GED or High School Diploma. In today's job market, people need to have one or the other of these to be hired, or even to enter into the military. Some just wish to improve their language, math or reading skills. The Basic Skills department offers Adult High School; GED; Adult Basic Education; Compensatory Education and English as a Second Language classes. Classes are varied as to times and locations, so anyone can include school into their schedule. The staff will even go to a business to work with their employees. Pamela Brecheisen, who is the ESL/CompEd. Coordinator, shared information about the English as a Second Language and Compensatory Education Classes. For more information you can check in to the Carteret County Web site or call 252-222-6212. They also have info on Channel 10. Nice job, Winston!
Plans are underway to participate in the districtwide "Make Dreams Real" Day promoted by District Governor Lee Dixon for May 2, 2009.
Newport Rotary appointed a committee, headed by Rotarian Steven Blizzard, to organize the event. It was proposed that a food drive supporting the local food pantry be the project.
"Make Dreams Real" is the Rotary International Theme for 2008-09 under President D.K. Lee of South Korea.
Newport Rotary will have a crafts booth and sponsor a pig at the 31st Annual Newport Pig Cooking April 3 & 4, 2009 at the Newport Town Park. Funds were raised to sponsor the pig during the regular club meeting on March 16, 2009.
In a "pass the hat" effort spurred on at the behest of Newport Mayor PDG Derryl Garner, he said that Newport Rotarians were integral in starting the Pig Cooking event 31 years ago, most notably PP. Larry Howard, and that we should have a presence at the event.
President Cliff Schweitzer announced the booth, which will feature a goldfish toss, face painting and hair painting. While this is a fundraiser, it is hoped that the presence of Rotarians at the event will be good publicity for the club, what it does in the community, and for the Global Polio Eradication effort, which we be highlighted. Click here foir more information on the Newport Pig Cooking Contest.
AFLAC Insurance Agent Hal Ledrew was the guest speaker at the March 16, 2009 Meeting of theNewport Rotary Club at The Rotary Building, Howard Blvd., Newport.
Agent Ledrew talked about AFLAC's Major Medical, Supplemental, Cancer and Disability Insurance products. The company has significant coverage in the eastern North Carolina area, and insures employees at many business and most government locales. Several Rotarians recounted a positive experience with the company's representatives in the course of their employment. Prompt claims service, annual reviews, portability of policies, guaranteed lifetime premiums, payroll deductions, and free online billings are all aspects of the AFLAC experience.
AFLAC, American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus, based out of Columbus, GA, is a
Fortune 55 Company started by the Amos family in 1955 and insures more than 40 Million employees, worldwide. Interestingly,
they gained a foothold in Japan during the trade restrictions of the 1970s, and now insure 1 in 4 Japanese employees.
He supported his presentation with some product information, and an AFLAC duck for everone in attendance.
On March 30, 2009 we will hold our regular meeting at the pavillion in Newport Park. After a cook-out dinner we will place the memorial stone and dedicate the tree planted in Harold Chartley's honor. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm. Spread the word... let's have an attendance of 100%!
During the March 9, 2009 Newport Rotary Club Program, Rotarian Dick Newton shared some information about Purple Martins. He showed us some of the different types of homes they enjoy coming home to each year, and mentioned they were the very nicest guests anyone could have. He tries to count them as well as the number of eggs they lay, and usually each year he gets more and more birds. They like to sleep in the gourds and houses at night and remain with their families until time to leave again.
If you have any questions about how to set up your gourd/house community for the Purple Martins, ask Dick. He's a pro with this project!