Trim-A Tree at Britthaven
And thanks again to Joe Garner for the photo! :)
The Newport Club is sponsoring Lena Mueller from Hamburg, Germany. Lena is staying with PDG Bevin Wall and his family. Earlier in the summer, Bevin and Pam’s daughter, Madison, traveled to Hamburg to stay with the Muellers. Madison confessed she did not know a word of German before departing the U.S., but with her resourcefulness and outgoing personality, she and her host family had a wonderful visit and she had the opportunity to see some amazing sights. In turn, the Wall’s have traveled up and down the east coast, showing Lena some of our beautiful land. If you ask Lena what her favorite part of her visit is, she’ll tell you she loves going to the beach.
Vanessa Ervin, Youth Exchange District Chair (See complete article in the August Newsletter)