Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Newport Rotary 75th Anniversary Thank Yous

If you were able to attend, we hope you enjoyed the Newport Rotary 75th Anniversary Cookout. The friendship and fun was outstanding and the food wasn't bad either!! 

We thank our guests who attended including DGE CJ & Krystal, AG Barbara, all attending PDGs and Rotary Club of Morehead City (our club sponsor) members who attended.

Our special thanks to Maher & Mary Saikali (food) and cooks , Matt Shortway and Shortway Brewing (beverage) and all the Rotarians who participated in the program. 

We hope to see you at our next event!

Newport Rotary
Rachel Bell, Pres.
Dennis Barber, Pres. Elect
PDG Bevin Wall, Sec
PP Maher Saikali, Treas.
and the whole Newport Rotary team

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