Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Newport Rotary Receives Giving Award

District 7730 Rotary Foundation Chair PDG Nancy Barbee from the Maysville, NC Rotary Club was the guest speaker at Newport Rotary.
Our Speaker: District Rotary Foundation Chair Nancy Barbee,
with President Steve Blizzard

Ms. Barbee and Assistant Governor Bill Kaeser presented to the club an award for ranking highly among the 51 clubs in the district in per capita (per member) giving to our Rotary Foundation. Only 11 clubs district-wide were honored for reaching the award milestones. The club reached and exceeded the $100 average per member goal and had 100% member participation. She said that Newport Rotary was already a "believer" in our Foundation and supported it with giving and participation in its programs.

Assistant Governor Bill Kaeser presents our Foundation's
Support Award for 2011-12
"Instead of talking about all the good things our Foundation does, I will share with you some of the personal moments in my life where our Rotary Foundation had touched someone and made a difference in their life". 
She recounted several personal situations where she knew that lives had been changed, including a memorable one about her student, Darrell, and the impact that a local Maysville Rotary Club project, supported by a grant from our Foundation, provided meals and an educational opportunity that was lacking in that community. Years later, an adult Darrell approached her and thanked her and Rotary for the impact the program had on his life and his situation.

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