Saturday, October 11, 2008

Club Hears About Need for Local Food Drive

After a great meal from Dick and Susan Newton, we had a very special program that ties in with our November 15th food drive project. Tammy Blizzard, wife of member, Steve Blizzard, shared information about Matthew 25 Food Bank, where she works. The needs are great, the shelves are empty and the Newport Rotary hopes to help fill them. We will be soliciting food donations on November 15th at Newport Food Lion and Newport Red and White.

Guests at the meeting included potential member, Dominick Spadaro of the Newport Post Office, Dick Newton's wife, Susan, and their daughter, Sarah and grandson.

There was some discussion about the sale of our Art Raffle tickets. The members thought that ticket sales are very slow due to the tight economy, and it was suggested that the price of the tickets be lowered to facilitate easier sales. It was moved, seconded and passed that the price of the tickets be lowered to $5.00 instead of $10.00 each. Those having already bought tickets would be given a second ticket. Tickets not sold should have the price changed before selling, by striking through the $10.00 and changing to $5.

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