Past Pres. Pam Wall |
The June 3, 2013 Meeting of the Newport Rotary Club had a program by Rotarian Pam Wall on the Fun and Value of Attending Rotary International Conventions.
An eight-time Rotary International Convention attendee, since 2001 Pam has attended conventions in San Antonio, Barcelona, Osaka, Chicago, Salt Lake City, Los Angelos, Montreal, Bangkok, and will be attending the upcoming
Lisbon Convention.
According to Pam, the fun of attending conventions is meeting the people from different cultures, all who have shared goals relating to their
Rotary membership.
For Pam, the value of attending conventions is a renewal of her drive to make the world a better place through her Rotary membership, seeing everyone pulling in the same direction, and validating why she became a Rotarian and remains a Rotarian.
Maher Saikali hosted a great meal. The meeting was well attended.